Category Archive: Thermography

  1. Mammograms or Sonograms with Thermography?

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    Mammograms or Sonograms with Thermography

    Thermography is an excellent screening for early prevention of breast cancer because it detects heat associated with pathological processes years before it can be detected with conventional anatomical screening.

    Many women, including some doctors, fear mammograms are causing over treatment.

    According to a recent study published by scientists at The New England Journal of Medicine, 1.3 million women have received unnecessary and invasive cancer treatments including surgery, radiology, hormone therapy and chemotherapy over the last 30 years.

    This is in large part due to routine mammograms detecting harmless tumors.

    Thermography may reduce the number of false positives by demonstrating whether a tumor is metabolically active or not when combined with anatomical testing.

    So what that means is thermography is an adjunct to an anatomical test. Our doctors recommend environmentally safe ultrasound with thermography.

    But what if you need more comprehensive screening or are told you need a biopsy?


    Advanced Digital Imaging technologies such as high-powered Sonograms, Spectral Doppler, Sonofluoroscopy, 3D/4D Image Reconstruction provide accurate use of sound waves to produce real-time images inside the body.

    It is used to find anomalies and help diagnose the causes of pain, swelling and infection in the body’s internal organs while allowing the diagnostician the ability to zoom and “travel” deep within the body for better exploration.

    Digital imaging sonogram technology is also used to help guide biopsies and, in many cases, even replicate much of the same reports of a clinical invasive biopsy.

    Sonograms and ultrasounds offer the highest accuracy in dense (cystic) breast. Like thermography, it is radiation-free with out physical pressure or pain.

    It distinguishes cysts (fluid filled masses) from cancerous tumors without needle sampling.

    For those near the NYC area, please meet Dr. Robert Bard of Bard Cancer Diagnostics for Advanced Breast Scanning and Cancer Screening Programs.

    Bard Cancer Diagnostics
    121 E.60th St. #6A
    212 355 7017
    New York, New York

    Warmest regards,

  2. Fight Back Against Breast-Cancer-Promoting Environmental Estrogens

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    Fight Back Against Breast-Cancer-Promoting Environmental Estrogens

    Remember the old canary in the coal mine? Miners used to carry caged canaries down into the mines with them, and if there was methane or carbon monoxide, the canary would die before the gas became hazardous to humans.

    When it comes to our breast health, we can’t wait for the canary! Did you know that 1 out of 7 women will get breast cancer in her lifetime? That means that you and/or someone you know – your daughter, mother, friends, co-workers – will develop it. We can’t afford to wait around!

    How Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals Promote Cancer

    Nutraceuticals Nutrition 6mo changesOur constant exposure to environmental toxins may be partially attributed to the alarming increase in cancers. The class of chemicals that affect breast tissue the most are called xenoestrogens (also known as endocrine disrupting chemicals or EDCs) since they imitate and enhance estrogen activity.

    They’re also sometimes referred to as the 3 P’s: Pesticides, Plastics, and Petroleum. These EDCs have been called a potential breast cancer risk because they interfere with or mimic the body’s natural hormonal system, and hormones have been shown to affect breast cancer risk.

    These chemicals can increase susceptibility to breast cancer by:

    1. Feeding a breast tumor that’s already present.
    2. Changing the composition of the breast, leaving it more vulnerable to carcinogens.

    Don’t Panic, Be Proactive

    Xenoestrogens can be detected on thermography, because synthetic estrogens and hormones affect breast and fatty tissue with distinct heat patterns that can only be seen on Infrared Thermal Imaging. Usually, these estrogens show up as leopard spots or mottling in thermographic images.

    Estrogen Toxicity

    Thermography is a radiation-free screening procedure that uses infrared heat to detect breast disease or possible tumors. It can detect changes in your breasts five to eight years before a diagnosis.

    Every woman should know the condition of her breast. Let us help you detox and restore breast health.

    Before and after breast detoxification

    Offering Breast, Upper Body and Full Body Exams

    Contact me to book your thermography exam today

    Thermography is radiation-free, painless, safe, preventive screening regardless of age, size, density or nursing.

  3. Dr. Minkoff on Breast Cancer and Thermography

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    If there was a pain-free way to detect cancer BEFORE it starts would you want to know about it?

    Every woman dreads the thought of getting a mammogram. It’s a painful, nerve wrecking experience. But worse than that, mammograms often don’t detect cancer until it’s progressed into full-blown breast cancer.

    In this video, Dr. Minkoff explains how thermography can detect breast cancer sooner when breast cancer first develops.

    Watch this short video to learn more about how Thermography detects cancer sooner than mammograms.

    Thermography uses an infared camera to detect heat changes that occur in the breast. When cancer first develops, it can create tumors and blood vessel growth in the breasts.

    Thermography can detect these heat changes before they become active cancer.

    This allows your doctor to recommend less evasive treatment such as lifestyle changes, hormonal support, and detoxification to stop it from progressing to breast cancer.

    Learn more about Thermography here.