Thermography and the Fibrocystic and Dense Breast Book

Thermography and the Fibrocystic and Dense Breast: A Radiation-Four Happy Healthy BreastsMany women are fearful about the health of their breasts because they fail to understand their own anatomy or how to promote breast wellness.

Breast health requires knowledge about the risks of radiation, safe screening technologies, such as radiation-free thermography and ultrasound, the role of environmental estrogen disruptors, and easy ways to avoid daily exposure to chemical toxins.

Thermography and the Fibrocystic and Dense Breast introduces clear medical choices that will increase the chances for maintaining healthy breasts.

There is additional information on making healthy lifestyle choices to lower breast cancer risks through scientifically confirmed plant-based supplementation and detoxification advice.

The book focuses upon prevention and empowering women to take responsibility for their own breast health at a time when trust in American health care is decreasing.

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