Tag Archive: Breast Health

  1. Dr. Minkoff on Breast Cancer and Thermography

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    If there was a pain-free way to detect cancer BEFORE it starts would you want to know about it?

    Every woman dreads the thought of getting a mammogram. It’s a painful, nerve wrecking experience. But worse than that, mammograms often don’t detect cancer until it’s progressed into full-blown breast cancer.

    In this video, Dr. Minkoff explains how thermography can detect breast cancer sooner when breast cancer first develops.

    Watch this short video to learn more about how Thermography detects cancer sooner than mammograms.

    Thermography uses an infared camera to detect heat changes that occur in the breast. When cancer first develops, it can create tumors and blood vessel growth in the breasts.

    Thermography can detect these heat changes before they become active cancer.

    This allows your doctor to recommend less evasive treatment such as lifestyle changes, hormonal support, and detoxification to stop it from progressing to breast cancer.

    Learn more about Thermography here.

  2. Save the Ta-Tas…Are Bras Bad for Your Health?

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    There has been a lot of debate over whether wearing a bra results in a higher risk of breast cancer or not.

    What I can say with certainty is that wearing a tight-fitting bra is like wearing a tourniquet.  It cuts off lymph node drainage.  Your lymph nodes help you excrete dangerous toxins from your body.

    When the flow is constricted by wearing a tight-fitting bra, that can inhibit the body’s natural ability to drain these toxins.

    That allows all the stagnant toxin-rich fluid to build up and become a breeding ground for bacteria and cancer cells.

    3 Tips to Avoid this Risk

    • Go to a store that will provide you with a professional bra fitting that measures and recommends the best bra size and type recommended for you.
    • Avoid underwire bras. The metal in underwire bras can act as an antenna that attracts electromagnetic fields that can increase your risk of breast cancer.  If you must wear underwire bras, find one with a plastic underwire that will reduce the risk factors.
    • Remove your bra at night to allow a chance for complete circulation in the area.  This will give your body a chance to release those built up toxins.

    Make Healthy Choices That Support Your Body

    If changing your bra would help you to live a longer, healthier life, wouldn’t you want to do that?  Simple changes can make a big difference in reducing your risk for breast cancer.