What is Breast Thermography?
Did you know 1 in 8 women will be diagnosed with breast cancer in her lifetime?
While you can’t always prevent breast cancer, you can do regular screenings to detect it. Many doctors recommend women age 45 to 54 get mammograms yearly.
But what if there were a method to detect breast cancer earlier?
Introducing Breast Thermography
This is a safe, radiation-free adjunctive screening method that uses infrared heat to detect breast disease or possible tumors.
What are the benefits of Thermography? from Thermography RGV on Vimeo.
How it Works
Thermography detects heat that can be emitted from tumors in the breast. As tumors develop and grow, they develop a blood supply. The thermal imaging can spot any signs of abnormality from the heat emitted and blood vessel patterns.
Benefits of Thermography
The purpose of breast screening is to detect early stages of breast cancer and confirm a diagnosis.
Mammograms vs Thermography? What is best. Watch this segment on “A Healthy You” to see:
Why thermography is your Best Breast Test Option
Less Invasive – Often when a suspicious image appears on a mammogram doctors will recommend a biopsy and other tests for further testing. A thermography scan provides an additional view of the suspected area for further evaluation, often removing the need for the more invasive approach.
- No Radiation – Mammograms expose your body to very high levels of radiation — some even speculate radiation that is 1,000 times greater than a chest x-ray. Since thermographic screenings are heat based – there is zero cancer risk.
- Detects Cancer Sooner – Thermograms can identify cancer sooner with more accurate results. Before a tumor develops new blood cells start to develop in the area. These can be seen on a thermogram early on.
- Works on Dense Breasts – About 40% of women have dense breast tissue. It’s very difficult to get an accurate reading on a mammogram for women with dense breasts. This often leads to additional testing such as ultrasounds and further mammogram views.
- Pain-Free Scans – if the idea of getting your breasts smashed like a pancake between glass makes you squirm, you’ll be happy to know that Thermography doesn’t hurt.
- Safe for All Women – If you are a woman before the age of 40, pregnant or nursing, exposure to radiation is dangerous. Thermography is a safer choice.
- More Accurate – Often mammograms detect things that are not cancer which leads to women getting treatments, radiation, and surgery that is not necessary.
The Shocking Truth about Breast Cancer
Why thousands of women are needlessly getting health breasts removed that don’t have cancer… and what to do about it.
Who is Thermography Right For?
Every woman should include breast thermography as part of their regular breast health care.
Thermographic screenings are ideal for women who:
- have reconstructed breasts
- are pregnant or nursing and in the need of testing
- are under the age of 50
- have a family history of breast cancer
- have the BRCA1 or BRCA2 gene mutation
- have received radiation treatment to the chest area between ages 10-30
Find out More About Breast Thermography
To find out more or take advantage of the benefits of this lifesaving procedure, contact us today.