Breast Health Blog

The Surprising Link Between Bras, Anxiety and Panic Attacks

Stress in this time of rapid change is a number one health concern and for good reason. In fact, the US Public Health Service has made stress reduction its number one health-promoting goal. No one is immune to having experienced some form of stress and anxiety. Women may be even more prone due to wearing […]

The Most Toxic Produce You Need to Avoid (or Buy Organic)

Spring is the time when the Earth gives us cleansing herbs and bitter greens to help detox and clear the stagnant energy of winter. It is during this time of the year we begin foraging for our favorite edible spring greens like dandelion, nettle, watercress, lamb’s quarters, violet, chickweed, chicory, amaranth, red mustard, and arugula. Spring is also a natural […]

Is Iodine Deficiency Putting Your Breast Health at Risk?

The number of women diagnosed with breast cancer has been increasing dramatically in recent years. As a thermographer I can attest to this as I have personally seen an increase in women with fibrocystic breast, suspicious thermographic findings and breast cancer over the past 2 years. Aren’t we getting tired of these statics? One out […]

RGBH in Milk May Increase Your Breast Cancer Risk

  As the holiday season approaches, a gathering would not be complete without a cheese board. Until I started researching the genetically engineered growth hormone called rBGH, I was a hard core grazer at those cheese boards. Not anymore. This is not new news, but like news, it is released and falls by the way […]

The Connection Between Dense Breasts and Breast Cancer

October is Breast HEALTH Awareness Month! Let’s focus on Breast Health, exploring ways to prevent cancer at a cellular level and minimize our exposure to radiation. While commonly performed, mammograms are uncomfortable and use ionizing and cancer-causing radiation. It is true that mammograms have saved lives and been helpful in detecting cancer. Many women are […]

A Game-Changing Ultrasound for Dense Breasts & Implants

During my many years as a thermographer, I’ve learned that a great majority of women who seek out thermography have dense breasts. Many have had years of mammograms and/or biopsies with benign results, and all of them want to avoid radiation and compression. In fact, more than 40% of women have dense breast tissue.  If […]

My Interview with Alexis Brink of Jin Shin Institute on Link Live

I was so thrilled to sit down with Alexis Brink of Jin Shin Institute to talk about one of my favorite topics: breast thermography. If you haven’t heard of Jin Shin, it’s a Japanese healing art that uses hands to balance the energetic body, mind and spirit. Jin Shin Institute is in New York and […]

Thermography and the Coronavirus

I hope you are all doing well – physically and emotionally – in this time of uncertainty and turmoil. At Breast Thermography International, of which I am a member of, your health and well-being are our first priority. Many people are asking questions about thermography and its ability to detect the Coronavirus. Let’s do a […]

What Are Fibrocystic Breasts?

As a clinical breast thermographer, I see more and more fibrocystic breast cases than any other abnormality of the breast. Fibrocystic breast syndrome or disease is a common condition. It is also called cystic breasts or mammary dysplasia. Breasts can feel swollen or have a different texture, or even feel lumpier than they did yesterday. […]